Dear Members,
The Perak Bar Committee wishes to extend the holiday greetings to all the members of the Perak Bar.
Happy New Year to you and your families. May 2011 bring you more health, wealth and wisdom.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Welcome to the Perak Bar Blog!
Please note that comments are subject to the terms of use of this Blog as stated in the Disclaimer and Terms of Use below. All comment makers must furnish their full name when making comments. All anonymous postings shall be deleted.
Please note that comments are subject to the terms of use of this Blog as stated in the Disclaimer and Terms of Use below. All comment makers must furnish their full name when making comments. All anonymous postings shall be deleted.
Take time off
The Perak Bar Treasure Hunt
Saturday 18 May 2013
Free Entry
All participants will win prizes
Dear Members,
Beginning January 2011, The courts will be implementing the New Civil Courts to ensure to reduce the waiting period and to ensure the disposal of cases be speedier as well as to go digital from registration to hearings to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
The 2 circulars for your information are available HERE and HERE.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Beginning January 2011, The courts will be implementing the New Civil Courts to ensure to reduce the waiting period and to ensure the disposal of cases be speedier as well as to go digital from registration to hearings to increase efficiency and effectiveness.
The 2 circulars for your information are available HERE and HERE.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
LoyarBurok's : Perak A State of Crisis Book
Dear Members,
The LoyarBurok's Perak A state of Crisis book will be available for purchase tomorrow (Thursday) the 16th December 2010 at the Bar Room from 10 a.m. onwards. Special introductory price of RM40.00 for those who are interested.
For more information on the book please see HERE.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
The LoyarBurok's Perak A state of Crisis book will be available for purchase tomorrow (Thursday) the 16th December 2010 at the Bar Room from 10 a.m. onwards. Special introductory price of RM40.00 for those who are interested.
For more information on the book please see HERE.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Group Photograph and Farewell Hi-Tea for Yang Arif Dato' Wan Afrah binti Dato' Paduka Wan Ibrahim
The Perak Bar Committee will be organizing a group photograph session with the Judges and Registrars from both the Ipoh High Court and Lower Court at the High Court compound on 17.12.2010 at 2.45pm.
To enable the committee to make suitable arrangements for the said photography session we would be pleased to receive early confirmation of your attendance on the said date, preferably at the latest by 15.12.2010. Members interested in obtaining copies of the said group photo may also do so by contacting our Ms Charen/Ms Henna at the Perak Bar.
A farewell hi tea for Yang Arif Dato’ Wan Afrah binti Dato’ Paduka Wan Ibrahim will follow at the Royal Ipoh Club after the said photography session between 3.00 to 5.00pm.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Hemalatha Parasa Ramulu (Ms)
Honorary Secretary
Perak Bar
Annual Dinner 2010 Report
The Perak Bar Annual Dinner was held on 27th November, 2010 at Le View Syuen Hotel. This year the social sub committee came up with a theme "Retro Chic". The night was a resounding success with members who came dressed conforming to the theme. We had the male population who came dressed, from the legendary Sarip Dol to Starsky and Hutch. Whilst the female came in scales, neon bright colours and beehives! I must say, even our Mr Chairman's hat that night was pretty cool in keeping with the retro vibe.
Our emcees for the night were the bewitching Ms Amber Tan (with neon pink tights) and the dashing En. Ahmad Yani (with his retro batik prints).
The night was also enlivened by performance from Aris Ariwatan and the Permata Band. Audiences were tickled pink when YB Thomas Su and the gang were called on stage. We also had our very own talented members now famously known as "Kugiran Rambut Panjang (Belah Tepi)" who made their debut that night. I was informed that they are now invited to perform at other state bar functions.
The luckiest person that night is En. Norazali Nordin aka Azali Arumugam (Alleycat) who won the 40 inch LCD and the 2D1N stay in Penang.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who attended. Special thanks to my sub committee members and chambering pupils for sacrificing their time, money and energy in ensuring that the annual dinner was a success.
Zaireen Zainal
Social Committee Chair 2010/2011
Our emcees for the night were the bewitching Ms Amber Tan (with neon pink tights) and the dashing En. Ahmad Yani (with his retro batik prints).
The night was also enlivened by performance from Aris Ariwatan and the Permata Band. Audiences were tickled pink when YB Thomas Su and the gang were called on stage. We also had our very own talented members now famously known as "Kugiran Rambut Panjang (Belah Tepi)" who made their debut that night. I was informed that they are now invited to perform at other state bar functions.
The luckiest person that night is En. Norazali Nordin aka Azali Arumugam (Alleycat) who won the 40 inch LCD and the 2D1N stay in Penang.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who attended. Special thanks to my sub committee members and chambering pupils for sacrificing their time, money and energy in ensuring that the annual dinner was a success.
Zaireen Zainal
Social Committee Chair 2010/2011
Please be informed that our senior member Mr. Loh Poh Seng has passed away on 8th December 2010 @ 10.00 pm.
The wake ceremony will be held at 8.00 pm at his residence No. 18, Hala Raja Dihilir Ipoh, Tambun Road, Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan and the funeral service will be held on 11th December 2010 (Saturday) at 10.00 am at Christian Kinta Tambun Cemetery.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Human Rights Day Programme @ De Garden Mall, Ipoh
Dear Members and Friends,
Perak Legal Aid Centre & Human-Rights Committee will be setting up an information booth in conjunction with International Human Rights Day 2010, the details of which are as stated below:-
Human Rights Day
11 December 2010 @ De Garden Mall, Ipoh
10.00 am – 6.00 pm Photo Exhibition on Homelessness
The Homelessness Photo Exhibition seeks to address the issue of poverty and to highlight the human story of homelessness and to give street photographers an avenue to showcase their talent on this issue. The exhibition aims to express that these excluded people are indeed equal in rights and dignity just like the rest of us.
Exhibition on Death Penalty
No Death Penalty, why? What's wrong with Death Penalty? The Death Penalty Exhibition will tell you the stories of why Amnesty International says NO to Death Penalty. Catch the chance to know the story of Yong Vui Kong, a Malaysian who was arrested with 47 grams of heroin and sentenced with the mandatory Death Penalty in Singapore.
Giant Human Rights Mural
Everyone can join us and express yours creative about human rights on the giant human rights mural!
Meet Your Local NGOs
NGO stand for? What are NGOs doing? Human rights, women care… Come and visit us at NGOs booths at Human Rights Day.
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm Meeting with our Special Theatre Cast
Meet popular celebrities/artists Dira Abu Bakar and Zahiril Adzim, who played in Amnesty International's special theatre ‘Banduan Akhir di Sel Akhir’.
2.00 pm – 3.00pm Launching Ceremony by Y.B. Dato' Zainol Fadzi bin Haji Paharudin.
All are welcome & entrance is free.
Thank you and have a nice day.
M. Gokoolaram Naidu
Perak Bar-Digi Iphone 4 Promotions

Dear Members,
The Perak Bar Informaton Technology Committee and Digi Telecommunications is proud to bring you a special promotion exclusive to Perak Bar Members only.
This is the follow up to the successful Blackberry promotions.
What are you waiting for? Sign up now! Click on the pictures below for more details.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
16th Day Prayers for the late Balasunderam a/l Govindasamy
Dear Members,
The16th day prayers for the late Balasunderam will be held on:-
Date: 30.11.2010 (Tuesday)
Time: 7.30pm
Address : No.72, Jalan Evergreen,
Taman Melor, Pasir Pinji,
31650 Ipoh, Perak
and the Final Rites will be held on Wednesday 01.12.2010 at 5.00am at the
nearby riverbank followed by lunch at 1.00pm at the said address.
The invitiation is extended by the wife, Madam Pushpalatha
Balasunderam and she asks members to treat it as a personal
Perak Bar Blogmaster
The16th day prayers for the late Balasunderam will be held on:-
Date: 30.11.2010 (Tuesday)
Time: 7.30pm
Address : No.72, Jalan Evergreen,
Taman Melor, Pasir Pinji,
31650 Ipoh, Perak
and the Final Rites will be held on Wednesday 01.12.2010 at 5.00am at the
nearby riverbank followed by lunch at 1.00pm at the said address.
The invitiation is extended by the wife, Madam Pushpalatha
Balasunderam and she asks members to treat it as a personal
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Meeting with the PTG
Dear Members,
There will be a meeting with the PTG this 25th November 2010. If you have any problems and queries please do not hesitate to let the Perak Bar Committee know via letters or email.
Details and the notice can be downloaded HERE.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
There will be a meeting with the PTG this 25th November 2010. If you have any problems and queries please do not hesitate to let the Perak Bar Committee know via letters or email.
Details and the notice can be downloaded HERE.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Men Against Violence (MAV) is one of the nation’s first campaigns that enlists men to work collaboratively with women in the effort to end violence. Jointly organised by Pembangunan Masyarakat dan Sosial Pergerakan Wanita UMNO Negeri Perak and Non-Governmental Organizations, this first of its kind campaign was officially launched by YAB Menteri Besar of Perak on 31st. October, 2010 at the Polo Ground. Several booths set up by participating NGOs gave the theme and event the boost it deserved. We at Perak Legal Aid Centre were invited to set up an information booth to reach out to the public at large and to act as a social-change-agent to achieve a sense of community and responsibility among men and to engage them in the anti-violence movement. Cultural performance by various local artists also focused on the theme of the day thus making the event more meaningful. The Menteri Besar later presented certificates of appreciation to all NGOs.
From its recent launch, there have been numerous chapters formed in Perak. The aim of this event is to create a community free of violence, to promote relationships based on equality and respect, to encourage positive, healthy expressions of masculinity, and to be visible, outspoken allies for all.
Some of the activities include recruiting nationally-renowned speakers, signings on local campuses and displays at community events. Men Stopping Violence works locally, nationally, and internationally to dismantle belief systems, social structures, and institutional practices that oppress women and children and dehumanize men themselves. We look to the violence against women's movement to keep the reality of the problem and the vision of the solution before us. We believe that all forms of oppression are interconnected. Social justice work in the areas of race, class, gender, age, and sexual orientation are all critical to ending violence against women.
No matter who or what the contributing factors are, whether the victims are men or women, our target is to create awareness on the issue of violence.
M. Gokoolaram Naidu
Executive Legal Officer
Perak Legal Aid & Human-Rights Committee
LAw Awareness Program & Talk
Dear all,
A Law Awareness Program and Talk on orang asli land rights will be held for 2 days in Pahang, the details of which is stated below:-
Venue ; Kampong Simoi & Kampong Kabu, Pahang
Time ; 10 a.m.
Date ; 27th & 28th November 2010
Members who wish to attend must possess 4 X 4 and be prepared to stay over-night in the village (as the nearest town is far). In addition, the following items are a must ;- insect repellent, mineral-water, light-food, first-aid kit, change of clothes, toiletries etc.
Kindly contact me for further details.
Thank you.
M. Gokoolaram Naidu
Perak Legal Aid Centre
A Law Awareness Program and Talk on orang asli land rights will be held for 2 days in Pahang, the details of which is stated below:-
Venue ; Kampong Simoi & Kampong Kabu, Pahang
Time ; 10 a.m.
Date ; 27th & 28th November 2010
Members who wish to attend must possess 4 X 4 and be prepared to stay over-night in the village (as the nearest town is far). In addition, the following items are a must ;- insect repellent, mineral-water, light-food, first-aid kit, change of clothes, toiletries etc.
Kindly contact me for further details.
Thank you.
M. Gokoolaram Naidu
Perak Legal Aid Centre
OBITUARY : Balasunderam a/l Govindasamy
Dear Members,
The Perak Bar wishes to convey their deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Balasunderam a/l Govindasamy who suddenly left us last night.
Details for the funeral and prayers are as follows:-
Funeral will be held at 11.30am at No. 72, Jalan Evergreen, Taman Melor, Pasir Pinji on the 18/11/2010 (Thursday) whilst the cortege will be leaving for the Buntong Crematorium at about 1.00 pm.
Rest in Peace.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
The Perak Bar wishes to convey their deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Balasunderam a/l Govindasamy who suddenly left us last night.
Details for the funeral and prayers are as follows:-
Funeral will be held at 11.30am at No. 72, Jalan Evergreen, Taman Melor, Pasir Pinji on the 18/11/2010 (Thursday) whilst the cortege will be leaving for the Buntong Crematorium at about 1.00 pm.
Rest in Peace.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Candidate Watch Campaign by the KLYLC
Dear Members,
The KL Young Lawyers Committee has set up and sent out some questions under their Candidate Watch Campaign for the upcoming Bar Council Elections. So hold on to your ballot papers first. Read on HERE for the link to the questions and answers before your vote. Vote wisely!
Perak Bar Blogmaster
The KL Young Lawyers Committee has set up and sent out some questions under their Candidate Watch Campaign for the upcoming Bar Council Elections. So hold on to your ballot papers first. Read on HERE for the link to the questions and answers before your vote. Vote wisely!
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Feedback on Court Issues
Dear Members,
The Perak Bar has decided to produce a standard complaint form for all your concerns in regard to courts and its proceedings.
The form and the circular can be obtained HERE.
Please take note that the completed form can be faxed, emailed, returned to the Perak Bar Secretariat OR placed in the assigned box at the Perak Bar Room in the High Court.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
The Perak Bar has decided to produce a standard complaint form for all your concerns in regard to courts and its proceedings.
The form and the circular can be obtained HERE.
Please take note that the completed form can be faxed, emailed, returned to the Perak Bar Secretariat OR placed in the assigned box at the Perak Bar Room in the High Court.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Teste to the Writ of Summons
Dear Members,
For your information. Beginning the 1st November 2010, the teste to the writ of summons has been amended.
A copy of the circular and the new teste can be downloaded HERE.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
For your information. Beginning the 1st November 2010, the teste to the writ of summons has been amended.
A copy of the circular and the new teste can be downloaded HERE.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Talk by Mr. Tommy Thomas - " The Global Financial Crisis : Origins and Response"
Material now available for download below. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Dear Members,
Material now available for download below. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Dear Members,
A talk by a distinguished senior member of the bar, Mr. Tommy Thomas will be held on 12.11.2010 at the Perak Bar Secretariat at 4.00 p.m.
The topic for this talk is “The 2008 Global Financial Crisis :Origins and Response”. Materials for this talk will be made available on the Perak Bar Blog. Members are encourage to download these materials for some “light reading” before the talk.
Seats are limited. Kindly RSVP with Perak Bar. Light refreshment will be served.
Artikel : Samada peruntukan A.6 k.7(2A) K.M.T 1980 terbatal menurut S.23(1) & 45 Akta-Akta Tafsiran 1948 &1967.
Dear Members,
An Article entitled:-
"Samada peruntukan A.6 k.7(2A) K.M.T 1980 terbatal menurut S.23(1) & 45 Akta-Akta Tafsiran 1948 & 1967 "
is available for viewing and download HERE.
The article is courtesy of En. Norazali Nordin our Chairman for Professional Development.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
An Article entitled:-
"Samada peruntukan A.6 k.7(2A) K.M.T 1980 terbatal menurut S.23(1) & 45 Akta-Akta Tafsiran 1948 & 1967 "
is available for viewing and download HERE.
The article is courtesy of En. Norazali Nordin our Chairman for Professional Development.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Dear Members,
Please take note that Y.A. Tuan Ridwan Bin Ibrahim, Judicial Commissioner, High Court of Taiping will be on leave from 1st November 2010 - 1st December 2010.
The notice can be perused and obtained HERE.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Please take note that Y.A. Tuan Ridwan Bin Ibrahim, Judicial Commissioner, High Court of Taiping will be on leave from 1st November 2010 - 1st December 2010.
The notice can be perused and obtained HERE.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
The Islamic Corporate Financing/Legal Documents Course and Sukuk & Islamic Capital Market Course
Dear Members,
The talk of "The Islamic Corporate Financing / Legal Documents Course and Sukuk & Islamic Capital Market Course" by Speaker Muhammad Zahid Abdul Aziz will be held on the 10th - 11th November 2010 at Eastin Hotel Penang.
Details of the talk can be obtained HERE.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
The talk of "The Islamic Corporate Financing / Legal Documents Course and Sukuk & Islamic Capital Market Course" by Speaker Muhammad Zahid Abdul Aziz will be held on the 10th - 11th November 2010 at Eastin Hotel Penang.
Details of the talk can be obtained HERE.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Perak Bar Annual Dinner 2010
Dear Members,
The Perak Bar is organizing the Perak Bar Annual dinner. Details of which are as follows:-
Date : 27th November 2010
Venue : Syuen Hotel ( Le View)
Time : 7.30pm - 11.00pm
Theme : Retro Chic
Ticket Price : RM100.00 per person
All Member are encouraged to attend to strengthen the existing bonds of the fraternity.
Kindly place your reservation with Ms. Charen / Ms. Henna at the Perak Bar Secretariat on or before the 20th November 2010.
Thank you.
Zaireen Zainal
Social Committee
Perak Bar
The Perak Bar is organizing the Perak Bar Annual dinner. Details of which are as follows:-
Date : 27th November 2010
Venue : Syuen Hotel ( Le View)
Time : 7.30pm - 11.00pm
Theme : Retro Chic
Ticket Price : RM100.00 per person
All Member are encouraged to attend to strengthen the existing bonds of the fraternity.
Kindly place your reservation with Ms. Charen / Ms. Henna at the Perak Bar Secretariat on or before the 20th November 2010.
Thank you.
Zaireen Zainal
Social Committee
Perak Bar
Legal Aid Booth for National Law Awareness Week 2010 and "Men Against Violence"
Dear Members,
Perak Legal Aid Centre will be operating an information booth in conjunction with both the National Law Awareness Week 2010 and program 'Men Against Violence' organised by Sekretariat Pembangunan Masyarakat Dan Sosial Pergerakan Wanita UMNO Negeri Perak. Details of the program is as follows:-
Venue: Padang Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah (Padang Polo)
Date : 31.10.10 (Sunday)
Time : 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
7.00am - 8am - Registration
8.00am - Senamrobik
8.45am. - Arrival of vip/guests
9.00am - Official launch by YAB Menteri Besar Perak
- Booth Exhibition
- Coloring Contest
- Traditional Art of Self-Defence
- Health-care check
- Cultural performance
- Lucky-draw
- Stamping rubber-chop of support
1.00 pm. - Close
All are welcome.
M. Gokoolaram Naidu
Executive Legal Officer
Perak Legal Aid Centre
Perak Legal Aid Centre will be operating an information booth in conjunction with both the National Law Awareness Week 2010 and program 'Men Against Violence' organised by Sekretariat Pembangunan Masyarakat Dan Sosial Pergerakan Wanita UMNO Negeri Perak. Details of the program is as follows:-
Venue: Padang Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah (Padang Polo)
Date : 31.10.10 (Sunday)
Time : 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
7.00am - 8am - Registration
8.00am - Senamrobik
8.45am. - Arrival of vip/guests
9.00am - Official launch by YAB Menteri Besar Perak
- Booth Exhibition
- Coloring Contest
- Traditional Art of Self-Defence
- Health-care check
- Cultural performance
- Lucky-draw
- Stamping rubber-chop of support
1.00 pm. - Close
All are welcome.
M. Gokoolaram Naidu
Executive Legal Officer
Perak Legal Aid Centre
Bar Council Ethics Course for Northern Zone
Dear Members,
This is to inform members that the Bar Council Ethics Course for Northern Zone will be held at the Bayview Hotel Georgetown Penang on the 26th and 27th November 2010 at RM150.00 per pupil.
Details of the course can be seen HERE.
Yours faithfully,
Perak Bar Blogmaster
MYCONSTI Launch in Kampung Koyan on 16.10.10
According to the orang asli, the most controversial political situation in the country today is the provision of land rights to them. In order to frame this and other issues concerning orang asli, Perak Legal Aid Centre launched another MyConsti program in Kampong Koyan, Kuala Lipis, Pahang, following the earnest invitation of village spokesman, Bah Ahcom Luji.
The long tiring overland journey to the village was worth its while to Augustine Anthony, Bah Tony and me when three Tok Batins and 70 participants gave us a warm welcome. Despite the blistering mid-day heat, the orang asli seemed patient and receptive during the entire event. Among others, our talk included reviewing the impact of laws and policies on the orang asli and looking into their social justice and customary land title issues.

Matters concerning Native Customary Land Rights have always haunted them until a glimmer of hope was seen in the recently concluded Sagong Tasi’s case. It is submitted that the two most essential elements in safeguarding the survival and unique identity of orang asli people is respect for their land and their law.
M. Gokoolaram Naidu
Executive Legal Officer
Perak Legal Aid Centre & Human Rights committee
Guidelines in Approving Orders and Judgements
Dear Members,
It has come to the Perak Bar Committee's attention that there may be some confusion as to how the draft orders and/or judgements are supposed to be filed.
In order to eliminate all doubts. Please refer to the circular HERE.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
It has come to the Perak Bar Committee's attention that there may be some confusion as to how the draft orders and/or judgements are supposed to be filed.
In order to eliminate all doubts. Please refer to the circular HERE.
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Minutes of High Court and Perak Bar Committee Meeting held on 6 July 2010
Dear Members,
The Report of the Meeting between the Perak Bar Committee and the High Court held on the 6/7/2010 can be viewed and downloaded HERE.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
The Report of the Meeting between the Perak Bar Committee and the High Court held on the 6/7/2010 can be viewed and downloaded HERE.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Dear Members,
In conjunction with National Law Awareness Week 2010, Perak Legal Aid Centre will be continuing its Road-Show on MyConsti programme at the following destination:-
Venue : Kampung Koyan, Kuala Lipis
Date : 16.10.10 (Saturday)
Time : 11 a.m
Kindly contact Mr. Ram @ 05 2550523 for details/logistics.
Thank you.
M. Gokoolaram Naidu
Executive Legal Officer
Perak Legal Aid Centre & Human Rights Committee
In conjunction with National Law Awareness Week 2010, Perak Legal Aid Centre will be continuing its Road-Show on MyConsti programme at the following destination:-
Venue : Kampung Koyan, Kuala Lipis
Date : 16.10.10 (Saturday)
Time : 11 a.m
Kindly contact Mr. Ram @ 05 2550523 for details/logistics.
Thank you.
M. Gokoolaram Naidu
Executive Legal Officer
Perak Legal Aid Centre & Human Rights Committee
Report on Talk by Associate Professor Talat Mahmood on 24/9/2010
Report on Talk held on 24.9.2010 at Perak Bar Secretariat at 3.30pm.
A talk on application of Sections 51 & 51A of the Criminal Procedure Code and the recently introduced ground of appeal on incompetence of counsel as a ground to set aside a criminal conviction was held as above. Our distinguished speaker on this occasion is Assoc. Professor Talat Mahmood bin Abd Rashid from the University of Malaya with our very own Mr Baldip Singh serving as moderator . Around 30 lawyers primarily criminal practitioners and pupil in chambers were present. The Professor made a power point presentation with references to :-
- various case law on the matter decided in Commonwealth Countries including Hong Kong and England;
- the position of law before the introduction of section 51A of the CPC its application in practice and benefits.
Naturally, as all talks with members of the various there was a little Q& A session at the end of the sessions. Questions ranged from the correctness of the PP v DSAI [2010] 4 CLJ 331 to applicability of S 51A CPC to the Toeh Beng Hock inquest.
Dated 7.11.2010.
Norazali Nordin
Professional Development Sub Committee
Perak Bar
Dear Members,
The Perak Bar is proud to invite all members to the get together this Friday 8th October 2010. Details of the event are stated below. Please do come and join us for good food, great company and camaraderie.
Date: 8th Oct 2010 (Friday)
Venue: Majestic Hotel
Time: 4pm-6pm
Invitation open to all Perak Bar Members.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
The Perak Bar is proud to invite all members to the get together this Friday 8th October 2010. Details of the event are stated below. Please do come and join us for good food, great company and camaraderie.
Date: 8th Oct 2010 (Friday)
Venue: Majestic Hotel
Time: 4pm-6pm
Invitation open to all Perak Bar Members.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
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