Dear Perak Bar Members,
I am pleased to announce that the Lower Court Bar Room and the Legal Aid Centre are now wi-fi enabled! Therefore, any members who need internet access can utilise the hotspot there. The network is password enabled but the password can be obtained from Ram at the Legal Aid Centre. Appreciation and acknowledgment must be given to our Chairman, Shan Theivanthiran who paid for the wireless router from his own pocket. When asked why he decided to do so, he merely replied that it was merely "a small benefit for the members" as the Legal Aid Centre already had the internet connection. Kudos to the Chairman! He really is an example of leadership by example and his willingness to devote his time and money to the Perak Bar is to be commended. I am sure we can look forward to more good works from our Chairman and as a Perak Bar member I also daresay he will be equally generous when it comes to buying my breakast, lunch or tea?! Well done Mr Chairman!
Submitted by Gavin Tang
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