Extra-General Meeting of the Bar Council on 20.9.2008
You would have no doubt read about the use of the Internal Security Act (ISA) against 3 persons (one has since been released) which from the information available appears unjustified.
The Bar Council has on Saturday, 13.9.2008 taken a stand that it is against the arrest and detention of the persons under the ISA and has urged the Government to release all of them including those who were arrested earlier but instead to prefer charges in Court as to give them a chance to defend themselves, and to preserve the Rule of Law.
On Saturday, 20.9.2008 at 10.00 am. an emergency Extra-General Meeting will be held at Wisma MCA Kuala Lumpur and the notices would have been dispatched to you by the Bar Council. Besides requesting for the release of all the detainees under the ISA, the Bar Council is also urging the Government to withdraw the show cause letters against the 3 newspapers: The Sun, Sin Chew Daily and Suara Keadilan.
The views of the Bar Council are that the ISA is out dated. There is no threat or acts of terror by any of the persons detained and if the ISA is to be retained, there should be stringent checks that it is only used in situations where there are no provisions of law available to redress the situation or the threatened situation.
All of you are urged to attend the EGM and voice your views.
The Report of the Panel of Eminent Persons to Review the 1988 Judicial Crisis in
The above Report dated 26.7.2008 was launched on 29.8.2008. 1000 copies were printed for distribution by the Bar Council. Your Chairman and I have a copy each.
Some of you who have been called to the Bar recently may not be fully aware of what transpired then and as such you may want to appraise yourself of the same.
Best Regards,
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