Dear Members,
Kindly be informed that the Perak Bar Legal Aid Centre has been requested to provide legal assistance for the upcoming vigil on ISA organised by the Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) and SUARAM on the 1/8/2010.
For those who are interested, kindly contact Ram at the Legal Aid Centre.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Welcome to the Perak Bar Blog!
Please note that comments are subject to the terms of use of this Blog as stated in the Disclaimer and Terms of Use below. All comment makers must furnish their full name when making comments. All anonymous postings shall be deleted.
Please note that comments are subject to the terms of use of this Blog as stated in the Disclaimer and Terms of Use below. All comment makers must furnish their full name when making comments. All anonymous postings shall be deleted.
Take time off
The Perak Bar Treasure Hunt
Saturday 18 May 2013
Free Entry
All participants will win prizes
Bar Council Rulings on Name Stamps
Dear members,
The Bar Council has recently issued a new ruling on name stamps. For those who have not received the same, the circular can be downloaded here. Please take note. It comes into force 2/8/2010 (Monday).
Perak Bar Blogmaster
The Bar Council has recently issued a new ruling on name stamps. For those who have not received the same, the circular can be downloaded here. Please take note. It comes into force 2/8/2010 (Monday).
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Family Day at the Orang Asli Village in Gopeng
Perak Legal Aid Centre & Rotary Club of Ipoh South is jointly organising a Family-Day in an orang asli village in Gopeng. The details of which are as stated below;
Date: 8.8.10 (Sunday)
Venue: Kampong Ulu Geroh (12 km from Gopeng Town)
Rendezvous point: Gopeng town roundabout-turn (behind bus station)
Time : 8 a.m. (ends after lunch)
Logistics: 4 X 4 (if own vehicle better, otherwise arrangements will be made to ferry you in)
Requirements: Advised to bring along your own food & water. Attired for jungle
environment. Change of clothes if you wish to swim.
Activities: This event is targeted for children. You may assist in the following:-
Reading, essay writing, spelling & coloring competitions.
Games. There are 350 children participating in this event.
(Optional - Jungle treking/swiming at water-fall. Members who wish to bring
along families/children, please supervise them as it is now rainy season and
the waters are shift flowing and ground muddy)
Optional: You may donate anything to the orang asli children. (clothes, biscuits,
slippers,shoes etc)
Interested members can contact Ram asap.
Perak LAC
Date: 8.8.10 (Sunday)
Venue: Kampong Ulu Geroh (12 km from Gopeng Town)
Rendezvous point: Gopeng town roundabout-turn (behind bus station)
Time : 8 a.m. (ends after lunch)
Logistics: 4 X 4 (if own vehicle better, otherwise arrangements will be made to ferry you in)
Requirements: Advised to bring along your own food & water. Attired for jungle
environment. Change of clothes if you wish to swim.
Activities: This event is targeted for children. You may assist in the following:-
Reading, essay writing, spelling & coloring competitions.
Games. There are 350 children participating in this event.
(Optional - Jungle treking/swiming at water-fall. Members who wish to bring
along families/children, please supervise them as it is now rainy season and
the waters are shift flowing and ground muddy)
Optional: You may donate anything to the orang asli children. (clothes, biscuits,
slippers,shoes etc)
Interested members can contact Ram asap.
Perak LAC
Dear Members,
The article can be viewed at and is courtesy of Brendan Navin Siva.
Of Sunscreen, Blackberries, and Successful Lawyers
24 July, 2010
By Brendan Navin Siva Ladies & gentlemen,
15 minutes is hardly enough time to speak on any topic let alone to give a talk to pupils on how to be an excellent, ethical and successful lawyer and the challenges ahead in the profession.
By giving this talk, I am by no means proclaiming myself to be an excellent or successful lawyer. And by no means are you to blindly accept everything I say to you today as being correct or similarly applicable to you. “Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it.” These are words from The Sunscreen Song.
Who does not know The Sunscreen Song? It is a song made up of someone’s rambling advice about random things in life.
Wear sunscreen.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now.
I will dispense this advice now.

Look at yourself and work out what YOU want to do in life. Have a plan. Do not meander through life not knowing what you want. Wanting to be rich or wanting to make money is not a plan. It is the end result of a good plan but it is not itself a plan.
Work hard. Many people would have told you the same thing the last 9 months but it is true. There is just so much that you need to learn in the next 3 years – how to draft, how to speak, how to handle clients, how to handle judges, how to think, how to solve problems and, over and above all this, to acquire the knowledge of law in many areas of law. Put your head down for the first 3 years and set yourself a good foundation for your future whether or not you continue to be a lawyer thereafter.
Present yourself well. Dress sharp. Invest in good clothes. Always be well groomed. What you think looks cool or suave to your friends may not be the right image that the real world expects of a lawyer.
Deal with stress. Do not try to run away from it. Stress is a part of the life of any successful professional – whether you are a lawyer, doctor, engineer or accountant. Understand that stress is relative – whatever you find stressful today, I can assure you will not be stressful for you in 3 years time. And what is stressful for you in 3 years time will not cause you much stress when you are a senior lawyer of 10 years or more. But there will always be stress at all levels. It is part of the job. Find your own way to deal with stress. But never use stress as an excuse to give up pursuing something. Never use stress as an excuse for failing to do something. And never blame stress for producing sub-standard work.
Learn how to deal with people. You will be dealing with people a lot in your career. There are many different types of people. Some are nice. Some are not so nice. More often than not, you will not deal with nice people. The people you deal with will be demanding, irritating, annoying, deceitful and demanding in many different ways and forms. The key to success is learning how to deal with them all.
Never ever be beholden to any client. Never put yourself in a situation to be totally dependent on any client financially. Always be in a position where, if your client asks you to do something that you know is not lawful or ethical, you can stand up and politely excuse yourself and walk out of the room without compromising your integrity and morality.
Speak and write English well. There is no way out of this one. English is the language of commerce and it is the language of the common law. Our courts will not abandon English any time soon. Our clients – local and international – will judge you as a lawyer on how well you speak and how well you draft – in English.
Take steps to improve your English, regardless of whether you think your English is good or bad. In particular, you must acquire the ability to say or write something in a concise and comprehensive manner. To do this, read English newspapers online (most of them are still free), read magazines (Newsweek, Economist, The Far Eastern Economic Review), watch CNN or BBC at least an hour a day. See and learn how they package and present large amounts of content into a concise and compelling 5 minute newsreel or one page article.
Embrace technology. Blackberries are not evil. They are not your enemy. They save time. They save a lot of time. When you are waiting in court, when you are waiting for a meeting to start, when you are stuck in a traffic jam, when you are waiting for friends for dinner, when you are watching TV and the advertisements come on – emails can be checked and responded to – this is time that you do not otherwise have to spend in the office answering emails. Embrace Change. A lawyer is nowadays only one part of a transaction. If the clients are all on blackberries, you do not have the luxury of saying “It is 6pm. I am out of the office and I cannot answer your queries.”
Set aside 1 week in the first half of the year and one week in the second half of the year for a holiday. Book these dates well in advance so your boss cannot say he did not know about it. Better yet, book tickets to fly somewhere so your boss cannot expect you to reschedule your plans (without feeling guilty). Downtime is very important. The more senior you get, the more difficult it will be to take scheduled time off.
Travel. See the world. See what is out there. It gives you perspective and it opens your eyes to things you never would normally think about. It matures you.
Find a network of friends who are similar as you in thinking, in ambition and in character. There is nothing unhealthy about a group of lawyers socialising together on the weekend or after work. There is nothing wrong with a group of lawyers talking about law all the time. You will grow together and you will become better lawyers together.
Lastly, do not blindly accept everything you are told by someone more senior and supposedly better than you. We are not better than you. We have just been here a little bit longer than you. Challenge the logic of what we say. If it does not make sense to you, don?t accept it.
Thank you.
The Blackberry Promotion for Perak Bar Advert is as shown above. Please do take the time and check out the promotion booths at the High Court Bar Room and Lower Court Canteen on the 13th July 2010. 20th July and 27th July.
Don't miss out on this opportunity!
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Schedule fo the Perak - Penang Bar Games "Est. 1964"
6/8/2010 FRIDAY 1. Futsal | 9.00-10.00pm | |
2. Snooker | 10.00pm | |
7/8/2010 SATURDAY 1. Badminton 2. Tennis | 9.30am-12noon 9.30am-12noon | |
3. Basketball 4. Volleyball | 8.30am-9.30am 10.00am-11.00am | |
5. Bowling | 1.30pm | Greentown Bowl, Greentown Mall |
6. Cricket | 3.00pm-5.00pm | |
7. Football 8. Netball 9. Hockey 10. Tug War | 5.00pm-7.00pm | MBI Sports Complex |
11.Darts 12.Dinner | 7.30pm |
UPDATE - Joint Petitions in the High court of Malaya in Ipoh
Dear Members,
Please be informed that the High Court has retracted the below featured requirements. All Petitioners will be required to attend together with their solicitors/counsels. Please take note.
Perak Bar Blogmaster

For your information, the High Court of Malaya in Ipoh has recently put up a memo which can be seen on the Notice Board and is reproduced in the picture above that states that :-
Beginning the 29th June 2010 for all new cases and those filed in July 2010 all joint petitions will be heard without the need for the attendance of the lawyers and parties if the papers are in order.
All petitions in which a Decree Nisi has been granted will be informed via a notice on the Notice Board.
All Petitions should include a draft Decree Nisi for approval of court.
Kindly take note.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Talk on Civil Appeals; Practice and Pitfalls - UPDATE
Dear Members,
It has come to my knowledge that some of you were unable to download the same from here. I have made some changes to the link below. I hope that you are able to now. If not. Kindly drop me an email at to let me know. Thank you.
For those who missed the talk on the above. The esteemed Speakers have graciously allowed us to reproduce the notes that they gave out during the talk for you to download.
The notes can be viewed and downloaded HERE.
It has come to my knowledge that some of you were unable to download the same from here. I have made some changes to the link below. I hope that you are able to now. If not. Kindly drop me an email at to let me know. Thank you.
For those who missed the talk on the above. The esteemed Speakers have graciously allowed us to reproduce the notes that they gave out during the talk for you to download.
The notes can be viewed and downloaded HERE.
Dear Members,
The Perak Bar Football team will be having a friendly match this coming Wednesday the 14/7/2010 at 5.30pm at the Ipoh Padang.
Please make yourselves available for the game both as players as well as supporters. Your support is very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Zaizuraimy Rahim
Sports Convenor 2010/2011
The Perak Bar Football team will be having a friendly match this coming Wednesday the 14/7/2010 at 5.30pm at the Ipoh Padang.
Please make yourselves available for the game both as players as well as supporters. Your support is very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Zaizuraimy Rahim
Sports Convenor 2010/2011
Dear Members,
The Perak Bar I.T. Sub Committee is happy to announce the launching of the Perak Bar-Digi Blackberyy Package Promotion which will be launched simultaneously on the 13/7/2010, 20/7/2010 and finally 27/7/2010 at the Lower Courts Canteen AND the High Court Bar Room from 9.00am to 1.00pm.
Package includes a FREE Blackberry Curve 8520 phone if you sign up under this promotion period and also FREE calls amongst all Perak Bar members and Court Staff who sign up under this package. For more details please come on over to either the Lower court Canteen or the High Court Bar Room on the above mentioned dates.
Do not miss this opportunity! Check this space for more details later.
Kenny Lai Choe Ken
I.T. Committee Chairman 2010/2011
Perak Bar Blogmaster
Dear Members,
The Tennis Team will be having training sessions as well as selections for the upcoming Perak-Penang Bar Games this July. Those who are interested please contact Mr. Kenny Lai at 012-5151979 or just turn up at the venue for the training.
Every Monday and Friday at the DBI Courts beginning 2/6/2010.
Court No. 2.
7pm to 8pm.
Kenny Lai
Tennis Convenor 2010/2011
15th Malaysian Law Conference 2010

Dear Members,
15th Malaysian Law Conference (MLC 2010) will be held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from 29 to 31 July 2010 (Thursday to Saturday).
• Yang Amat Arif Tun Dato’ Seri Zaki bin Tun Azmi, Chief Justice of Malaysia;
• Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo, Chief Justice of the South African Constitutional Court, who will speak on “Constitutional Revival: The South African Experience”;
• Justice V K Rajah, Singapore Court of Appeal Judge, who will speak on “Redrawing the Modern Boundaries of Contractual Interpretation - From Text to Context and Beyond”;
• The Honourable Michael Kirby, retired High Court Judge of Australia, who will deliver the keynote address on the topic of “Rule of Law”;
• Yang Bahagia Dato' Abu Kassim bin Mohamed, Chief Commissioner of MACC, who will deliver a speech on the topic “Challenges Ahead for MACC”; and
• Dato' Sri Nazir Razak, Group Chief Officer of CIMB Group, who will speak on “Growing Beyond Borders”.
• Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo, Chief Justice of the South African Constitutional Court, who will speak on “Constitutional Revival: The South African Experience”;
• Justice V K Rajah, Singapore Court of Appeal Judge, who will speak on “Redrawing the Modern Boundaries of Contractual Interpretation - From Text to Context and Beyond”;
• The Honourable Michael Kirby, retired High Court Judge of Australia, who will deliver the keynote address on the topic of “Rule of Law”;
• Yang Bahagia Dato' Abu Kassim bin Mohamed, Chief Commissioner of MACC, who will deliver a speech on the topic “Challenges Ahead for MACC”; and
• Dato' Sri Nazir Razak, Group Chief Officer of CIMB Group, who will speak on “Growing Beyond Borders”.
It is anticipated that local and foreign delegates comprising lawyers, legal counsel, academics, members of the judicial and legal services, law students, other professionals and members of various industries from Malaysia and abroad will attend.
The topics that will be covered include:
The topics that will be covered include:
• Setting Aside and Enforcement of Arbitration Awards;
• Competition Act 2010: What it Means to Malaysian Businesses;
• The Interface between Sha'riah and the Legal System in Islamic Finance - Recent Developments;
• Developments in Tax Law;
• Recent Federal Court Decision on section 340 of the National Land Code 1965: Tan Ying Hong v Tan Sian San & Ors – Are Landowners and Banks Secured?;
• Constitutional Law: Why is Parliament Relevant to the Layperson;
• Towards a Fairer and a More Effective Administration of the Criminal Justice System; and
• Investigations: What are the Key Elements in a Trafficking-in Persons Case?
• Competition Act 2010: What it Means to Malaysian Businesses;
• The Interface between Sha'riah and the Legal System in Islamic Finance - Recent Developments;
• Developments in Tax Law;
• Recent Federal Court Decision on section 340 of the National Land Code 1965: Tan Ying Hong v Tan Sian San & Ors – Are Landowners and Banks Secured?;
• Constitutional Law: Why is Parliament Relevant to the Layperson;
• Towards a Fairer and a More Effective Administration of the Criminal Justice System; and
• Investigations: What are the Key Elements in a Trafficking-in Persons Case?
Click here to view the full Conference programme or visit the official Conference website at for more information.
Please find below the early bird rate for registration fee (valid until 12 July 2010):
Please find below the early bird rate for registration fee (valid until 12 July 2010):
Pupils in chambers and law students | RM 700 |
Members of the Bar | RM 1200 |
Non-Members | RM 1,500 |
To register, please submit your completed registration form or call or send us an SMS at +6012 2585537. In your SMS, kindly state your full name, identity card number or Malaysian Bar membership number (if applicable). You will be entitled to the early bird rate as long as payment is made on or before 26 July 2010 (Monday).
For further information or to receive updates, please call Sumitra Penesar, officer-in-charge, at 03-2026 0864 or Rachel Tan, Public Relations Officer, at 03-2031 3003 ext 210, or send an email to
Thank you.
Perak Bar Blogmaster
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